Replace your overwhelm with
Simplicity &

Replace your overwhelm with
Simplicity &

“Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society.”
~ Maria Montessori ~

As a
speaker & facilitator,
I partner with parents, early childhood educators, and community members committed to raising a
healthier, more JOY-fueled,
resilient generation.
“Joy brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the field of early childhood, and she approaches her training sessions and workshops with enthusiasm and joy that is contagious.”
Janette R. Dosh
Early Learning Coach
Why don’t little ones come with an instruction manual?
After three decades of refining and proving my philosophy as a parent and an educator, I distilled my expertise into this easy-to-understand and even easier-to-use instruction manual for new and seasoned parents, caregivers, and educators who are determined to give children exactly what they need to live a joyful life.
Why don’t little ones come with an instruction manual?
After three decades of refining and proving my philosophy as a parent and an educator, I distilled my expertise into this easy-to-understand and even easier-to-use instruction manual for new and seasoned parents, caregivers, and educators who are determined to give children exactly what they need to live a joyful life.
What Readers are Saying

I have not enjoyed a book this much in so long, I did not want to put it down. I felt hope and comfort with supporting my nephews’ development after reading this book.
Irma TrejoProgram Coordinator, North Central Early Learning Coalition
I wish I’d had this book when my children were little. Any parent or child care worker will benefit from reading and pursuing the activities in this beautifully-illustrated, informative childhood development book. If you are looking for ideas, stories, fun activities, and insight into children, "How to Teach Joy" provides them in a fun and creative way. I love Joy's story, interwoven with what is happening in a child’s development and interspersed with fun activities and songs to help nurture children's Joy!
Michelle Ann CollinsGrief, Mindfulness, and Wellness Coach
"How to Teach Joy" is a magnificent book filled with a vibrantly-colored story for children, insights for the adults who love them, and a curated library of books, songs, and easy-to-do activities to delight little ones at each stage of their first five years, when learning and developing are so vital to our children's futures. The perfect development guide, a true treasure chest for every parent and grandparent, and right at your fingertips!
Lori Giesey Mother, Mima, Author
Joy has brought together what families need in one place. Parenting is hard enough. I don’t want to have to read 20 parenting books. I would rather spend that time reading with my kids. This book is a two-for-one. Quality time together but learning how to do it all better.
Alicia Bailey Mom of Two
I just read through this book cover to cover, and I absolutely LOVE it. This is such an amazing resource for me with my own children someday.
Andrea Day
I was immediately transported back in my emotional memory bank to being a first-time mom, with unexpected twin girls! I felt overjoyed, as well as sleep-deprived, depressed, and overwhelmed every single day of the first two years of their lives. And none of the strict child-rearing books of the time resonated with me. They felt patronizing and preachy and didn’t help me become the parent I wanted to be. I would have truly loved to pick up “How To Teach Joy”! This guide to understanding a child’s development includes concise research-based information and beautiful illustrations, and is full of passionate and graceful details. Our world needs more joy-filled children and parents. This book is a gift.
Judy DerpackEC Specialist Retired EC Director Cascade School District School Board Member
Who knew Joy was a sapling whose individual branches needed to be nourished in order to grow up into a happy, healthy tree? "How to Teach Joy" is a colorful story and handbook perfect for any adult who wants the time they spend with a child to feed the little one's social, emotional, cognitive, creative, and physical needs. Teacher Joy has created the book I wish I'd had when my children were small. Filled with her favorite songs, activities, and books to read at each stage of growth from birth to five, this treasure will be my go-to gift for all the new mothers in my life going forward.
Theddee Rheyshelle Mother, Uma, and Author
"How to Teach Joy" from the viewpoint of a child was a surprising and welcomed experience. The journey of her development and growth is a JOY to be unveiled. The insight on how children process and respond is incredible, and the tips and songs along the way are invaluable. No parent has a manual when they become a parent, but this book is certainly the closest that I have read.
Mel Daniels Mother of 2, Momo (Grandmother) of 3
"How to Teach Joy" will be an incredible addition to our family! We love reading to and with our kiddos, and the books usually have lessons for the kids to learn. With this book, we get to learn some lessons right along with the kids. As parents, sometimes the hardest thing is admitting we don't have the answers! Having some solutions in a beautiful book we can enjoy with our kids is just so exciting!
Kelly BondMom
Being a first-time parent comes with immense pressure and expectations. The responsibility for a tiny human's development and experience is a lot to maintain, especially for someone who doesn't necessarily have the best examples to follow. Having this book is like having the perfect guidebook to navigate this ever-evolving process of parenting, and it has definitely relieved a lot of the pressure and anxiety surrounding knowing all of the answers. This book has given me a boost of confidence in my ability to raise a child that is full of joy!
Abby DuncanNew Mom
Being a first time parent scared me shitless, and having this book gave me a little insight... a little sneak peak at parenthood. All you can really do is take it day by day and learn as you go, but it's helpful having some sort of reference to help guide and prepare you to hopefully not mess it all up!
Eddie Moreno Father
Sign Up to Access the Video Songbook
Music is one of the most powerful and FUN tools we have to nurture children’s growth and development.
If you’d like access to my Sing-along Video Songbook, and regular updates on upcoming book tours or workshops, enter your name and email address here.
Resources & Recommended Toys by Age
Parents and early educators simply do not have the time to sift through all of the possible toys, books, and other resources to find the best of the best, so I did it for you!