Replace your overwhelm with

Simplicity &

Replace your overwhelm with

Simplicity &

 “Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society.”

~ Maria Montessori ~

As a

speaker & facilitator,

I partner with parents, early childhood educators, and community members committed to raising a 

healthier, more JOY-fueled,
resilient generation.

“Joy brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the field of early childhood, and she approaches her training sessions and workshops with enthusiasm and joy that is contagious.”
Janette R. Dosh
Early Learning Coach

Why don’t little ones come with
an instruction manual?

After three decades of refining and proving my philosophy as a parent and an educator, I distilled my expertise into this easy-to-understand and even easier-to-use instruction manual for new and seasoned parents, caregivers, and educators who are determined to give children exactly what they need to live a joyful life.

Why don’t little ones come with
an instruction manual?

After three decades of refining and proving my philosophy as a parent and an educator, I distilled my expertise into this easy-to-understand and even easier-to-use instruction manual for new and seasoned parents, caregivers, and educators who are determined to give children exactly what they need to live a joyful life.

What Readers are Saying

Sign Up to Access the Video Songbook

Music is one of the most powerful and FUN tools we have to nurture children’s growth and development.

If you’d like access to my Sing-along Video Songbook, and regular updates on upcoming book tours or workshops, enter your name and email address here.


A Conversation with Monica King

Resources & Recommended Toys by Age

Parents and early educators simply do not have the time to sift through all of the possible toys, books, and other resources to find the best of the best, so I did it for you!
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